- commode table
- консольный столик с мраморной крышкой
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
commode — [kə mōd′] n. [Fr, chest of drawers, orig., convenient, suitable < L commodus, suitable: see COM & MODE] 1. a high headdress worn by women around 1700 2. a chest of drawers 3. a small, low table with drawers or cabinet space: also commode table … English World dictionary
Commode — Commode, veneered with Japanese lacquer and japanned, by Bernard II van Risenburgh, Paris, ca 1750 60 Victoria and Albert Museum[1] … Wikipedia
TABLE — Table, s. f., terme très étendu qui a plusieurs significations. Table à manger, table de jeu, table à écrire. Première table, seconde table, table du commun. Table de buffet, table d hôte, où l on mange à tant par repas; bonne table,… … Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire
Commode ou table en demi-lune — ● Commode ou table en demi lune de forme semi circulaire (style Louis XVI) … Encyclopédie Universelle
commode — /keuh mohd /, n. 1. a low cabinet or similar piece of furniture, often highly ornamental, containing drawers or shelves. 2. a stand or cupboard containing a chamber pot or washbasin. 3. toilet (def. 1). 4. a portable toilet, esp. one on a… … Universalium
table — (ta bl ) s. f. 1° Planche, ais (sens propre). Table rase. 2° Planche ou réunion de planches portée sur un ou plusieurs pieds. 3° Table de nuit. 4° Table de billard. 5° Chacune des quatre divisions du tablier, au trictrac. 6° Table d… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
commode — n. 1 a chest of drawers. 2 (also night commode) a a bedside table with a cupboard containing a chamber pot. b a chamber pot concealed in a chair with a hinged cover. 3 = CHIFFONIER. Etymology: F, adj. (as noun) f. L commodus convenient (as COM ,… … Useful english dictionary
commode — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A piece of furniture] Syn. chest of drawers, cabinet, washstand, dressing table; see chest 1 , furniture , table 1 . 2. [Toilet] Syn. chamber pot, water closet, potty chair*; see toilet 2 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n.… … English dictionary for students
commode — n. 1. Chest of drawers, small bureau, dressing table. 2. Somno, night stool … New dictionary of synonyms
commode — n 1. buffet, sideboard, vitrine, china cabinet or closet, cabinet, cupboard, U.S. Furniture. lowboy, Chiefly Brit. dressing table; dresser, vanity, washstand; chest of drawers, chiffonier, clothespress, U.S. bureau. 2. toilet, potty, lavatory,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Games table desk — A Games table desk is an antique desk form which combines the type of surface required for writing with a surface etched or veneered in the pattern of a given board game. It also provides sufficient storage space for writing implements and a… … Wikipedia